F. The game's story revolves around a supernatural phenomenon, FEAR-a fictional special forces team is called to contain. The player assumes the role of FEAR Point Man, who possesses superhuman reflexes, and must uncover the secrets of a paranormal menace in the form of a little girl.
F.E.A.R. simulates combat from a first person perspective. The body of the protagonist is fully present, allowing the player to see his or her character's torso and feet while looking down. In scripted sequences, when rising from a lying or fast roping from a helicopter for example position, or climbing ladders, the hands and legs of the protagonist can be seen performing the operations concerned.
F.E.A.R. simulates combat from a first person perspective. The body of the protagonist is fully present, allowing the player to see his or her character's torso and feet while looking down. In scripted sequences, when rising from a lying or fast roping from a helicopter for example position, or climbing ladders, the hands and legs of the protagonist can be seen performing the operations concerned.
Information about F.E.A.R Pc
Released: October 21, 2005
Publisher: Vivendi Universal Games
Developer: Monolith Productions
Genre:FPS Games
Released: October 21, 2005
Publisher: Vivendi Universal Games
Developer: Monolith Productions
Genre:FPS Games
System Requirements
- Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/x64
- Processor: P4 1.7 GHz
- RAM: 512 MB
- Video Memory: 64 MB
- Only supplied on DVD: Yes
- Hard disk space: 5 GB
- DirectX Version: 9.0c
- Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/x64
- Processor: P4 1.7 GHz
- RAM: 512 MB
- Video Memory: 64 MB
- Only supplied on DVD: Yes
- Hard disk space: 5 GB
- DirectX Version: 9.0c
Size: 1.47 GB
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